Isha Mehta MPH '19
Piloting a new data analysis
method to help advance patient-
focused drug development research
for Alzheimer’s disease
In The Dartmouth Institute’s on-campus MPH program, students can pursue an independent internship with an external organization to apply the skills they have acquired over their 10 months in the program to a real public health situation. What students can accomplish through their internship work in a short window of time is a significant achievement. For three students in the Class of 2019, the time was ideal to pilot innovative methods for drug development research on Alzheimer's disease, plan a pathway for addressing food insecurity among school children in Vermont and New Hampshire, and help launch a global initiative to improve health outcomes for women and children displaced by humanitarian crises. Read more about their projects below.
Piloting a new data analysis
method to help advance patient-
focused drug development research
for Alzheimer’s disease
Laying the groundwork for addressing
food insecurity among school children in
Vermont and New Hampshire
Helping to launch a global initiative to improve
Health Outcomes for women, children, and adolescents
in humanitarian and health fragile settings
POSTED 7/17/2019 AT 11:14 AM IN #news #education #experiential learning
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