
Experiential learning is instrumental to the Dartmouth experience. Two culminating courses allow students the opportunity to develop and pursue their individual interests in improving health and healthcare. Through the practicum intensive, students engage in an independent research project and/or internship, employing systems thinking and/or various research methods to develop actionable insights and recommendations with faculty support.



Applied Practice Experience

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The Applied Practice Experience (APE) is a required component of the Master of Public Health program. The APE provides students with a hands-on opportunity to translate principles and skills learned in the classroom and to acquire competencies in public health in a field setting of their choosing. Students work in collaboration with a defined site, organization, or program to develop a health or healthcare-related project that will hone and refine the skills and competencies the MPH program seeks to develop. Students apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of public health policies or programs, propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes, select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors, and perform effectively on inter-professional teams.



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Students have opportunities to pursue internships with a broad variety of organizations related to community/population health, healthcare delivery, health policy, and research. These hands-on learning experiences allow students to translate and apply skills and knowledge gained in the classroom and acquire competencies at a public health field site, including governmental, non-profit, industrial, for-profit, or appropriate university sites. Internships are designed as service-learning opportunities, achieving mutually beneficial goals for the student and the host site. Students receive mentoring and supervision from a host site preceptor and a faculty advisor throughout their internship.


Integrative Learning Experience

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The Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) project allows Master of Public Health students to immerse themselves in a public health project of their choosing in depth, demonstrating their understanding of foundational and specialization competencies gained during the program. During this culminating experience, students develop their own individual projects with faculty support, employing systems thinking, qualitative and quantitative methods, and effective inquiry to develop actional insights and feasible recommendations. The ILE includes a high-quality written product that students submit at or near the end of the program.



Personal Journeys, Public Health Impact: Dartmouth MPH Practicums Showcase Dedication and Innovation.

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Advancing Healthcare Equity: Dartmouth MPH Practicums Explore Insights from Environmental Scans, Clinical Experiences, and Program Analyses.

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Empowering Change: Dartmouth MPH Practicum Experiences Address Key Issues in Healthcare.

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Dartmouth MPH Practicums Promote Crucial Change in Public Health.

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Student-Designed Practicum Projects Steer the Models for Achieving Real Change in Health and Healthcare.

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Student Capstones Generate a New Set of Data-Driven Solutions to Transform the Future of Public Health.

Additional practicum stories from this year can be found on the sidebar (desktop) or by scrolling to the bottom of the page (mobile).

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Hybrid MPH Practicums Explore Health Initiatives Across Diverse Communities.

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MPH and MS Capstones Offer Innovative Approaches to Improving Health.

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MPH Internship Highlights

A culminating highlight of Dartmouth's MPH and MS Student's Internship Experiences. Click here to read 2024 stories and then navigate to additional years' stories on the sidebar (desktop) or by scrolling to the bottom (mobile).

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